Global Community Project empowers communities.
Board of Directors
Chair, Board of Directors
Brandon Berrett
Senior Board Advisor
Jason Taylor
Donna Harada
Board Advisor
Fiston Kahindo
Board Advisor
James D’Ercole
Global Community Project is centered as being innovative, while addressing groups of
underserved populations and piloting projects in a central location before scaling to
different geo-locales.
Global Community Project is based in downtown Las Vegas, where projects are
managed and used as incubators to ensure optimal success when considering elsewhere.
Populations served include those that are displaced from housing, those recently incarcerated and released into society, members of the LGBTQ community, those that are terminally ill, those on the Spectrum, and for individuals that have impairments that may limit their abilities mentally or physically.
Global Community Project prides itself on maximizing donor dollars directly to the projects they manage, while keeping overhead to a minimum.